What Age Would I Want To Be Forever

Picking an age that I would want to be forever is hard. I want to experience all the ages. If I were to pick an age to be forever it would probably be twenty-two. I would like to stay twenty-two because I am able to drive and go places with my friends. I feel like at twenty-two I have more freedom and I can make my own decisions. Another reason why I would want to be twenty-two is I would still be in college and with my friends. College seems fun but I’m not sure if I’m right that’s just what I’ve heard. The last reason why I want to be twenty-two is I have more freedom than I do when I am twelve. I would most definitely not want to stay the same age forever but if I were to I would like to be twenty-two years old. See you next Wednesday!!

My Lacrosse Life

Lacrosse is a big part of my life. It entertains me and I am always looking for a way to get better. I love playing lacrosse because it keeps me active and motivated to keep on trying to get better. I started lacrosse about two years ago and I have loved it ever since. I love being on the field and just doing what I love. I play attack and midfield. My favorite position is attack because I get to score a lot of goals but I also like midfield because it’s a mix of all the positions except goalie. When I first started lacrosse it was a summer camp and I really didn’t want to go because I thought I would hate it but after the camp I absolutely fell in love with the sport. I play for a team called SoCal Express. It is a club team and I just love the people on the team it feels like we are all a big family. My teammates and I have become best friends and we love playing together. I like to think of a game as playing with my best friends and just having fun and showing the other team what we’ve got. We have won first place one and second the next time. Lacrosse has really inspired me throughout these years because I have met so many wonderful people overtime and the coaches have taught me some pretty great things. See you next Wednesday!

Rad Reading-September

The book I read this month was Out Of My Mind,By Sharon M Draper. Out of my mind is a fictional book about a young girl named Melody. Melody struggles with a disorder which stops her from doing things other kids are capable of like getting dressed by herself, walking, talking, and even eating on her own. Melody has trouble communicating with others such as her classmates in room H-5. Melody was always using a white board to speak to people until she found a machine called the “Medi-Talker” which helps her grow her vocabulary and finally gets to show people she isn’t a dumb kid and that she has a voice.

One thing that I loved about this book was that it shows people it’s okay to be different and to have your differences. Melody cares about others and even tries to warn her mother about something bad waiting to happen but her mom doesn’t understand what she’s trying to say without her Medi-Talker.

Melody is my favorite character, and I say this because she is very selfless and always has her mind set on other people and is very kind and loving. Melody has such a kind heart and really cares for others even when things don’t always go as planned. She remembers to always keep her head up and look on the bright side of things. Melody is confident even though she knows she’s not like all the other kids in her school.

A character trait that Melody has is she is very kind. A quote I found to support this trait is this “I tried to think of something to say so she’d stay longer. Pretty and shirt was all I could come up with using my lame white board. I sure could use a word choice that said “cool outfit”, but somehow Mrs. V had overlooked that one.” this quote shows how she is kind and how she cares for other people.

My favorite line/quote in this book is this, “It was raining hard outside. The thunder and wind made it feel like a scene right out of a really good movie. My hair is short and curly, I think it looks kinda cute when it’s wet. Mom hates it when her hair gets wet. I gotta admit:Mom with wet hair should hide in a closet.” I like this quote because it’s super funny and it shows Melody’s sense of humor and her perspective on how she views people.

Dream Movie Universe

Living in a movie would be amazing. The fun characters and setting changes. If I were to live in a movie universe It would be the movie The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants. I would love to experience this universe because it’s all happy and joyful with a group of friends who set off on their separate ways and there is something they share that makes them feel connected the whole summer. It would be fun to go with one of the girls on their summer vacation to Italy where she meets this boy but little does she know his dad has some reputation in her family. This things she does in Italy make my mind spin with happiness. It looks so amazing and fun. I would love to be part of their friend group and join in on the traveling pants. Imagine going on vacation but still felling like you are at home with your friends that feel like family. That is definitely a world I would want to live in!

My Favorite Meal

Thinking about my favorite meal is hard. There are so many choices to choose from. If I were to choose my all time favorite meal it would be Chicken al a king. The meal started with my grandmas grandma then she taught my grandma how to make it, then my grandma taught my mom how to make it and finally I got taught how to make this wonderful mouth watering meal. Chicken Al a king has shredded chicken with peas and a mixture made of butter and flower to thicken it and make it creamy. It is served on a plate with a puff pastry on top. The drink I like to have with this meal is a glass of water. We don’t have any side dishes with this meal because the meal it’s self is very filling and delicious. This meal is usually served on my birthday, my moms birthday and my older brothers birthday. We would most likely have cake or crumble cookies after as a dessert to celebrate the special occasion. This meal isn’t an every week meal. We only have it a couple times a year and that’s ok because that’s what makes it so good and I will never get sick of it. I can’t wait until the next timeI have it! See you next week!

My Dream Home

It would be super fun to design my own house. I love watching interior design shows and getting ideas from them to design my room. My dream home would be in Austin, Texas. The outside would have a white gate around the house with a barn door looking garage. The colors of the house would be white and black. I would go for a modern farm house look. The outside of the house would have plants around the gate and I would have a big window looking into the front of my house. One room I would like to have in my house is a movie theater. The theater would have black leather seats filling the room. There would be a big screen with a black border around it. The movie theater would have cabinets with popcorn packets and candy in them. Another room would be my bedroom. My bedroom would be a boho theme with weaved baskets hung from the wall with a white bed frame. My room would have many plants in it. I would also have a white dresser and a huge closet! My kitchen would have an island counter and the colors of the kitchen are black and white too. I would have white plates in a clear door cabinet. Outside I would want a big backyard with a she shed for crafts or just a place to hang out. I would have a pool in my backyard with a Baja step. The pool would have white lounge chairs in it and I would have turf with a lacrosse goal. That’s my dream house! See you next Wednesday!

My Dream Place To Travel

If I could travel anywhere on planet Earth it would be Rome, Italy. I would love to go to Italy. One reason why I want to go to Italy is because my last name is Italian. Something I want to do in Italy Is go to the beach. I love going to the beach here in California so, going to the beach seems super fun especially in Rome, Italy. The final reason why I want to go to Italy is because I would love to go to St.Peters Square and eat pizza! I hope you enjoyed my blog! See you next week!!

All About Me

Hi,my name is Camdyn!Welcome to my blog, allow me to introduce myself. I am in seventh grade at a middle school in Southern California. I have a dog named Harper. She is a Fox Red Labrador. I also have two brothers. My older brother is fourteen almost fifteen and my little brother is six. My hobbies are practicing lacrosse out front, Playing with my dog, hanging with my friends and especially going to the beach. I love going to the beach and going in the water. I love watching sunsets late at night at the beach. I also love to go surfing at Downey Beach. I went to the beach a LOT in the summer and had so much fun staying there until it was night time. My favorite food is salad and my favorite dessert is ice cream! I love baking treats for my family to try! My team and I won first place in the championships in Lacrosse. I was a super exiting moment! I hope you enjoyed my blog!
