Lefty lacrosse-20% project, Week 4

For my 20% project I am learning how to become good in my left hand when I play lacrosse. This week I had four games on Sunday. During my two games for my club team I scored a left handed goal. My two other games for my reck team I ran down the field while cradling in my left left hand. I also had practice for my reck team on Friday and the whole time I went in my left hand. One of my struggles is at my practice when I went in my left hand I just generally struggled. It was a little hard the run while I was holding it but I definitely feel like I’m getting more comfortable in it. My achievements this week were I am feeling a lot more comfortable in my left hand as I practice and I also am getting a lot better at catching. Not as much as throwing but I’m improving! Some of the adjustments I can make is placing my hands higher when I catch because doing that gives me more control over the ball and a better chance of catching it. Next week I will proceed to practice in my backyard and do everything in my left hand to improve. Overall, I have been noticing that practicing really does make you better and this project has really showed me that.

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